Before and After School Clubs

Breakfast Club 

Breakfast club will run from 8am - 8.45am and will cost £2.00 a day. The cost for a half term is £68. Children will have a choice of cereal, fruit, toast and drinks. 

Places will need to be booked and booking forms can be collected from the office. 

Children will not be accepted if payments are not made a week in advance. 

After School Clubs 

We offer a wide range of exciting after school clubs each term for our children to attend. We encourage our children to get involved with at least one activity per term. This is on a first come, first serve basis, so please ensure slips are completed and returned as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. 

Chess Club

Netball club

STEM Club 

We read the story of the Billy Goats Gruff and then constructed a long bridge for the goats to trip trap over. We had fun taking turns letting the goat cross over the bridge. 

This week, we read the story of the Gingerbread man. We then designed a raft to help him cross the river, so he wasn't eaten by the fox! 

This week, we read the story of the 3 Little Pigs and we built houses out of Lego. 

This week, we looked at magnets and how they attract and repel. We raced cars moving them using the different poles on our magnets. 

Science Club 2024

Dominoes Club 2024

Young Voices 2024