
"Moments Matter, Attendance Counts"

by Lucie Forrest 

Attendance at Griffin Park Primary School 


Excellent attendance and punctuality are key to children making progress at school so they achieve their full potential. Missing lesson leaves children vulnerable to under achieving. 

Children attending school every day;

  • Make better progress both socially and academically.
  • Find routines, school work and friendships easier to manage.
  • Find learning more satisfying.
  • Enjoy a successful transition from primary to secondary school.  


Absence Protocol 

On the day of absence please contact the office on 01254 57724 to inform us of your child's absence. Alternatively you can send an email to


If you know how long your child will be absent, please state this when your make contact. 


For sickness and or diarrhea, your child cannot return to school until 48 hours after the last bout of illness.


If you are unsure about anything, please contact school for further advice. 

Thank you for your continued support. 



The responsibility of parents/carers is to ensure their child arrives to school on time. When  children arrive to school late they miss an important start to their day. Children are often embarrassed when they arrive late to school and often take longer to settle because they have missed part of the lesson. 


Being continually late will have a detrimental effect on your child's education. 


Persistent Absence/Lateness


If your child is a persistent absentee or has persistent lateness, they will be monitored regularly. Parents or carers may be contacted to discuss absence or lateness and support will be offered. If absence and lateness continues then a parent or carer may be asked to come into school for a meeting. Below is a RAG rating that identifies the different categories for attendance. 


If you would like any support please contact Mrs Aspinall or Mrs Otter.