Look what we have been learning about

In Design Technology we have been learning how to construct a 3D windmill.

We have learnt a bit of French this morning and visited a French Cafe. We tried to say Bonjour and Merci when we got our snacks and drinks. Tres bien Year 1!

In Geography and Science we have been learning all about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores in different continents and.........we saw some real ones today on our trip to Knowsley Safari Park!

In Art we worked in our teams and completed our 3D sculptures. We added detail to them using felt tips and paint. Can you tell what our sculptures are?

In RE we have been learning about Christianity and Baptism, so we went to visit St Luke's Church and met Alan and Ruth who taught us lots more!

In Art we have been learning how to roll paper in different ways and how to use it to create 3D sculptures.

In Science we have been looking for signs of spring.

In Gymnastics Coach Sam has been showing us how to improve our skills using the equipment.

We had our last session with Mr H today and we made some scrumptious banana bread!

In Design Technology we made a crunchy salad and perfected our cutting and slicing skills too.

In History we have been learning all about school in WW1 and what it was like; it was very strict and a very quiet place to work! They even had a cane!

In Gymnastics we have been learning lots of different shapes and techniques! Coach Sam has been very impressed!

In Design Technology we have been perfecting our claw and bridge methods to help us slice and chop safely. We made a scrumptious fruit salad too, then we got to eat it!

In Design Technology we have been learning about the bridge and claw methods to help us chop fruit and vegetables as safely as possible!

In Geography we have been learning all about OS maps and their symbols. We were amazed with how huge they were and we were very good at identifying the different symbols too!

In History we have been learning about Remembrance and the importance of the poppy! We went to lay two wreaths at the War Memorial and we had our own silence to remember too.

In Science we have completed an experiment and tried to predict which surface would cause less friction to allow the vans to travel further down the ramps.

In Design Technology we have been learning about moving mechanisms and we made a sliding picture.

In Maths we have been learning all about the part whole model and how to use it for adding and subtracting.

In Art we have been learning how to mix primary colours to make secondary colours.

In Computing we have been learning how to drag and drop using a mouse!

In Maths we have been learning how to represent numbers in different ways; some of us thought of loads of different possibilities! Well done Year 1!

In RSHE we discussed people who are special to us and why. Then we made them a card to thank them for being so special!

In English we have been reading the story, Superworm and we worked in pairs to create a storyboard. Mrs Holden was very impressed with how well we worked together; great turn taking skills Year 1! :-)

In Science we have been learning about common trees and we went on a nature walk to identify as many different ones as we could.