Useful Information

School Nurse

We have a school health adviser who carries out routine checks for hearing and eyesight, and is available for advice on a range of matters throughout your child’s school career. Parents / carers are always informed and asked to sign a permission slip to allow this to happen. Parents are always invited to attend. Dental inspections also take place regularly.


If your child needs to take medicine, tablets, apply cream or drops, whilst at school you must fill in a form from the office to allow the teachers to do this. If it is an ongoing complaint a medical care plan will need to be completed alongside the School Nurse, the class teacher and our SENCo, Mrs Tones.


School - Home Communication


Parent/carers evenings

These take place regularly over the course of the year.

In Autumn and Spring terms, you will find out how your child/ren is getting on at school in a more formal discussion with their teacher(s), where you can see and contribute to the targets being set for your child/ren.

In the Summer term, after receiving your child/ren’s annual school report, there is a drop-in parents’ evening where teachers will be available after school for any discussions.


School reports

A full report is distributed once a year in the summer term, which gives your child's levels and their current targets.





At Griffin Park, we want homework to be meaningful and enjoyable. Through Key Stage 1 and 2, children are given spellings and maths facts to learn along with a variety of tasks that the Class teacher may send home to enhance your child's learning. Whilst some tasks can be completed independently, we expect a parent or carer to assist their child when necessary. From Year 1 to Year 6 children bring home a reflective journal as homework - tasks are set and your child can be as creative as they like. Homework remains an optional task for children at Griffin Park Primary School.

School Fund


We ask for donations from parents on a weekly basis of 50p which goes into our school fund. This helps to pay for many of the more exciting opportunities we give to our children. We would be very grateful if you could help us by supporting this tradition.

School Rules


We have school golden rules which everyone is school is expected to follow. Each class with their teacher then decides on their class rules.  

Mobile phones are NOT allowed at school.  If a child brings their phone into school by accident then they must give it to the school office for safe keeping until the end of the day. 

School Council


We have a school council made up of children from each year group who meet to give their views and ideas to support the running of the school. We have elections each year to elect the members.