
Wearing a uniform embodies our values and is a visual representation, that here at Griffin Park, we have high standards 


Our Uniform 

There is the choice of grey trousers; a tartan skirt or pinafore; burgundy jumper or cardigan; white shirt and a tartan tie or a white polo shirt. 








Black shoes with a sensible heel to ensure pupils' safety. Sandals, fashion shoes, knee or ankle length boots are not considered appropriate footwear for school. 



Please send your child to school in an appropriate warm, waterproof coat so they are prepared for all weather types. 


PE kit 

Our PE kit is a white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps.  For outdoor PE, a burgundy hoodie and black tracksuit bottoms. 





Please ensure that all your child's clothing is labelled (including shoes). Please label clothing and footwear with your child's name. This will ensure that any lost items will be returned to their owner. 



For religious purposes we allow children to wear black or burgundy headscarves in KS2.  



No jewellery should be worn in school. A watch and plain stud earrings are acceptable. However, Earrings must be removed on PE Days. If you are considering having your child's ears pierced, please do so at the beginning of the 6- week break so these can be removed for PE lessons. 


Pre-loved Uniforms

Pre-loved uniforms will be available to buy from the office. Please speak to Ms Cameron-Clark or Mrs Otter about purchasing these. They will also be on sale at the main entrance at the end of every term for £1 an item.  

We ask our families to bring any uniform that their child has outgrown or no longer needs to the main entrance. 


Under the new DfE guidance, we believe that we have taken every necessary step to offer our families affordable uniform.

The only branded item we ask to be bought from the shop is our logoed jumper/cardigan, whereas everything else can be bought generic from any store or supermarket.