Useful Information

A few little reminders about Year 3...

  • Reading and spelling books should come into school everyday, in book bags. No big rucksacks please!

  • Reading is very important. Please listen to your child read daily for 5-10 minutes.

  • Children should have a P.E. kit in school at all times - they will be sent home to be washed at the end of each half term. Children are no longer coming to school wearing P.E. kits - they must arrive in full school uniform.

  • We will be going swimming every Tuesday. Children will need to bring their swimming kits with them each week. Please see the letter below for more details.

  • Children must not wear earrings on our P.E. days - Tuesday and Wednesday. Please remember that P.E. is not optional and earrings cannot be worn for safety reasons.

  • Children in Year 3 are no longer automatically eligible for free school meals. If you think your child is eligible, please ensure you check with the school office.

  • School Fund: We ask for donations from parents on a weekly basis of 50p which goes into our school fund. This helps to pay for many of the more exciting opportunities we give to our children. We would be very grateful if you could help us by supporting this tradition.

Year 3 Long Term Plan