Special Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs and Disability


At Griffin Park, we respond to all our children’s educational needs and recognise that each individual child may have a special need at some point in their school life. It is the school’s policy to support our children’s needs by positive early intervention. The earlier a need is identified and a programme is put into place, the better for the child. 


We follow the SEND Code of Practice. This was revised in 2014 and 4 broad categories of need were identified:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Sensory/Physical Needs
  • Cognition and Learning

We involve parents from the beginning of our concerns, and set up individual programmes for children, putting in extra support where needed. We work closely with various outside agencies to help us do the very best job for your child. 


We have a well-developed policy to ensure that our curriculum closely matches the needs of all our pupils and we make use of resources to provide support when needed. Our school welcomes pupils with SEN and Disability and we differentiate work in the classroom at all levels; lower and higher ability. 


Children with physical needs are welcome in our school. The school is all on ground level and have good disabled access around the school.


Our SENDCo is Rebecca Tones.  Please contact her via the school office if you have any queries about your child.

SEND Information Report

SEND Accessibility Plan

Blackburn with Darwen Local Offer for SEND