Look what we have been learning

We have started our new topic of ‘At the Seaside’ this half term!

We have been learning all about animals in the wild this term, reading Giraffes Can’t Dance and Handa’s Surprise, look at our super work!

Making numbers to 20!

We have been learning all about mini beasts, the signs of Spring and growing!

We have been learning about transport this term and reading lots of stories about it!

We have been reading the story of the three little pigs. Look at our super work!

We have been learning about Diwali, listening to music and making our own diya lamps!

Our nature work, learning all about the changes that we see happening in Autumn!

Showing 1 and 2 in different ways!

We looked at the number 4 as we are all 4 years old!

Our first few days in Reception...