Wellbeing and Mental Health
School Vision
At Griffin Park we recognise the importance of emotional wellbeing. We understand that the wellbeing of our children is affected by the wellbeing of the adults they interact with, therefore it is essential that we help protect and promote the emotional health and wellbeing of each and every member of our school community.
Please remember to scroll down to the bottom of this page to access a list of resources and organisation which may be able to support you. If you need further support, please contact school to speak to Mrs Otter.
Free Training
Kooth is a service provided by our Local Authority which supports parents in recognising signs of anxiety and stress in their children. They have Zoom sessions coming up to help you understand how Kooth can help.
Pastoral Teacher and Family Support
Mrs Otter works closely with children in need of extra support in school, through 1:1 or small group work in times of need.
You will often find her with children in our school garden, tending to the vegetables, the pond or the beautiful flowers we have growing there.
If you think you need some support, Mrs Otter is there for you too. Please do not hesitate to contact school and ask for her. She will get back to you very quickly to help.
Mrs Otter works with families who need extra support with looking after their children; who have family members who are not well; who need support with budgeting or food to feed the family; with mental health issues; bereavement counselling for children and children who are carers, just as a small example of her work.
At Griffin Park we like early intervention; helping families and children before the problem gets any bigger. So please get in touch.
Wellbeing Award for Schools
School is working towards recognition for the good work we do with our school community on the mental health and wellbeing for all of our children, families and staff.
We will keep you updated on our progress here.
October 2022
A third parent survey has shown that parents know about the wellbeing award and feel more involved in the school's plans for emotional wellbeing and mental health.
May 2022
Ofsted commented on the excellent support all children and staff get for their wellbeing and mental health support.
April 2022
An advisor from the wellbeing awards came into school to discuss our progress towards the award.
January 2022
Surveys from both parents and staff have shown an increased awareness of support in school, and a very positive response on how supported everyone feels they and the children are in school.
December 2021
Mrs Otter has completed her Anna Freud Mental Health Lead training.
April 2021
We have a Change Team who are working together on this theme. The members of this group include two Senior Leaders, our Pastoral teacher, a Teaching Assistant, a parent and a governor.
We had our second meeting on the 27th April to discuss our Action plan for the next year; to agree our school vision and to consider a budget which is allocated to wellbeing in school.
November 2021
Resources have been added to the school website to signpost parents and families to the right place, in case they do not feel confident in contacting school.
MHST are now working regularly with school.
Recent surveys have shown an improvement on the already high satisfaction levels for adults and children in and around school.
Mental Health Support Teams
We are working with a mental health practitioner who delivers Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to identified children we refer to the team. This is for low level anxiety issues, low mood and issues which are not usually picked up so early. We believe this will really help our children in school from developing deeper mental health issues.