Our Aim
At Griffin Park Primary School, we aim for every student to be an enthusiastic reader—one who can communicate their choices and ideas about the books they read as well as read extensively and fluently. We want our children to read for enjoyment, having been exposed to a variety of text genres, authors, and text types so they may form well-informed opinions about the books they love. Oracy, in our opinion, is an essential ability for children to be successful independent learners as well as for language and self-expression. We want our students to write accurately and confidently for a range of audiences and purposes while also finding their own unique style. Our goal is for our children to be proficient writers who can utilise grammar rules correctly.
During their time at our school we aim for all our children to have a range of literacy experiences at least once in their school career. These include opportunities to:
- perform for an audience
- competitions for reading, writing and oracy
- meet a real author
- visit a library and / or book shop
- share their reading and writing with the school and wider community
- understand the career opportunities that English may provide
- take part in discussions and debates