Useful Information

Reading Books

Reading books will be changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please remember to sign your child's diary when they have read at home. 

Book Bags

Book bags need to be in school every day. 


Children will bring their PE kits to School. 

Thursday : Indoor PE 

Children will need to wear black shorts and a white t-shirt.

Earrings need to be taken out for PE days. 

Friday- Outdoor PE 

Children can wear black shorts or track suit bottoms/leggings, white t-shirt and school hoodie.

School Fund 

We ask for donations from parents on a weekly basis of 50p which goes into our school fund. This helps to pay for many of the more exciting opportunities we give to our children. We would be very grateful if you could help us by supporting this tradition.

Year 2 Long Term Plan

Chatty Letter Spring 1 2025

Chatty Letter Autumn

Chatty Letter Autumn 2 2024

What are SATS? 


SATS are National Curriculum Assessments. that are carried out in the Summer term and help inform teachers judgments of KS1 pupils attainment. In 2017 is was confirmed that KS1 SATS will become non-statutory. This means from 2024 schools will be able to decide whether they want to administer the test. Like most schools, we feel the KS1 SATS offer a very useful way for us to assess pupils attainment and progress. 


When will KS1 SATS take place?


Year 2 SATS will take place in the month of May. The pupils will not be told they are doing the test and at no point do we mention SATS tests to them throughout the year. 


How can I help with SATS at home?


You can help by supporting your child with their homework. Reading a little each day and talking about what they have read is especially important. Ensure the best possible attendance and make sure your child gets plenty of sleep and has a healthy breakfast. 

When will I get the results?

All SATS results will be published in your Child's end of year report.


Please click the link above for more information.