PSHE and Relationships Education
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
Relationship Education
We see PSHE as being at the centre of all that we do. Through our curriculum, our school environment and our school ethos, we promote pupils’ self-esteem, emotional well-being and help children to form and maintain relationships, based on respect for themselves and for others.
Our relationship education programme is an integral part of our whole school PSHE. We ensure it is matched to the needs of our pupils by regularly reviewing the objectives and activities set, highlighting needs and assessing each child individually.
More information about the National Guidelines regarding Relationship Education from the Department for Education can be found here-
Relationships education (Primary) - GOV.UK (
At Griffin Park, we use SCARF (Coram Education) as our primary source of resources, although we also take advice and guidance from the PSHE Association. Please see below for our Breadth Map.