Look what we have been learning about

We have had a fantastic day at Ribchester looking around the Roman Museum. We loved having an ice cream and playing on the park in the sun!

This afternoon, we have made rainbow vegetable couscous. We prepared it all ourselves and loved making it. Some of us were even asking if we can make it at home for you!

Today we have been in a dance lesson, played Ultimate Frisbee and have been timing ourselves doing exercises.

Today we played Darts and walked to Witton Park to play on the park!

We took part in our last ever Gymnastics session with Coach Sam!

As part of Activity Week, we have taken part in Axe throwing and we went on a colour walk, sketching things that we found in our school grounds.

As part of Activity Week, Year 3 have been taking part in active Maths lessons and we have tried some new fruits.

We opened up a class shop selling cupcakes and biscuits as part of our maths lessons. We made sure we took enough money to the shop and we worked out how much change we would need. It was a lot of fun, although the best part was eating them.

Year 3 enjoyed a class visit to St Luke's church as part of our R.E lessons. We got a tour of the church and asked the vicar about what happens during Holy week.

We are looking at Pneumatic toys in D.T and how we can use pressurised air to make things move. We will be making moving monsters using egg boxes, balloons and plastic tubing.

We have made candles using beeswax as part of our Science lessons. We had a Bee talk and learnt all about why bees are so important.

We have had a fantastic World Book Day. We designed Superhero characters and made Superhero masks!

Coach Sam has been commenting about how much progress we have all made. She is very impressed with our rolls and handstands in particular.

We loved swimming in our pyjamas this week. We did not love taking the wet pyjamas off when we had finished!

We visited Witton Park this week as part of our Geography lessons. We looked at the River Darwen and saw some features of a river.

We made Christmas cookies this week. We designed and decorated them with icing and we enjoyed eating them afterwards!

We practiced life saving skills in our swimming lesson this week. It felt very strange swimming in our clothes!

We are GULP (Give Up Loving Pop) ambassadors and are on a challenge to limit sugary drinks for 21 days. We have been doing physical activity showing what happens when teeth start to decay.

In our final cooking session, we made Welsh cakes. We mixed all of the ingredients, rolled the dough and enjoyed our finished product! They have all promised to show you how to make them at home!

This week we have made Bread-ge-hogs in our D.T cookery sessions. We learnt how to knead and watched how the bread rises in the oven.

We have made fish fingers in our D.T lesson. We enjoyed fish finger sandwiches at the end and described it as appetising, fresh and peppery.

We have made vegetable cous-cous in D.T today. We learnt why different food groups are good for our bodies and we practiced our slicing and chopping skills.

In our history lessons, we have been looking at the Stone Age and we have written some questions that we would like to find out the answers to.

As part of our experience day, we have been painting autumnal landscapes and gathering a range of synonyms for the different colours we can find.

We completed a jigsaw of the U.K today and we added Blackburn onto it!

We had a dry talk from our swimming teacher Nicole today. We had lots of questions to ask her!