Look what we have been learning about

In Science, we have learnt about how muscles work. We used cardboard and elastic bands to make a model that demonstrates that muscles work in pairs with one relaxing as the other contracts.

After looking at pictures of Aurora Borealis (the Northern Lights) we used chalk to make our own.

In Maths, we used counters to help us with multiplication and division.

We did an experiment in Science, where we tested the friction of different surfaces!

In Science, we have been finding out about different types of rocks and how they are formed - often over millions of years! There are igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, and we tried to categorise them.

We have been doing Outdoor and Adventurous Activities in PE, which has involved following directions. It was interesting to see how specific our instructions had to be when we gave them out to our friends, who were blindfolded!

We made West Indian vegetarian curry in Classroom Kitchen this week, and learnt that this used foods that are imported. We found out where the West Indies are, and why they are called this. We enjoyed it but thought this dish should be spicier!

In Music, we listened to a song, then considered how the lyrics tell a story. We ordered the lyrics to make sure it made sense.

In Classroom Kitchen this week, we have made Fruit and Vegetable Cous Cous. Some of us have never tasted Cous Cous before!

In Geography, we have been using atlases to find out more about where we live. We located Lancashire and our neighbouring counties, then looked for other counties before colouring and labelling them on our own map.

We made quesadillas and guacamole in Classroom Kitchen. We found out that this food is from Mexico!