Useful Information

Things to remember:


On Fridays, homework is assigned, and it has to be finished by the following Thursday. If students need assistance with their homework, they are welcome to attend the homework club after school.


It is crucial that children read frequently and that they enjoy the books they read. Griffin Park actively fosters a love of reading, and we encourage parents to do the same by making sure your child reads and tracks their progress in their reading record on a regular basis (at least four times per week!). 


Additionally, every Friday, spellings are sent home for learning. The following Friday is the designated test day. Our spellings are based on a list of Statutory Spellings Years 5 and 6 from the National Curriculum that kids should be able to spell by the time they finish primary school.


P.E. is every Monday and Tuesday. From September 2024 children must wear their normal school uniform on P.E days. Children need to bring their P.E kit into school and will get changed before their lesson.


Book bags and reading books should be brought into school every day. 




Class Timetable