Useful Information

A few useful things to know about Year 1!


School Fund

We ask for donations from parents on a weekly basis of 50p which goes into our school fund. This helps to pay for many of the more exciting opportunities we give to our children.  We would be very grateful if you could help us by supporting this tradition.

Reading Books 

Reading books will be changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please try to hear your child read as much as possible; just 5 minutes a day can make such a difference. Please make sure you sign your child's diary so we know it can be changed and if you wish to leave a comment that would be great too.

Reading Bags

Please ensure your child brings their bag and reading book every day.

Library Books

These are collected in and new ones sent home on a Monday; when your child returns their previous one, they will be able to choose another.


PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday this term so PE kits (black shorts/pants/ a plain white T-shirt/ school jumper/cardigan/hoodie/ trainers/pumps) MUST be kept on your child's coat hook.  NO stud earrings to be worn on these days please!   

Homework and Spellings/Maths Facts 

Homework will be sent home on Fridays in your child's green homework learning log book.

Their green/white spellings/ maths facts books will be sent home on Fridays too.  They will need to learn these at home and then they will be tested the following Friday.  Please ensure your child's spelling book comes back into school every Friday so their new spellings/ maths facts can be stuck in.  Homework learning logs and homework need to be returned on Thursdays.


Year One's Long Term Plan

Welcome to Year 1 Letter