Useful Information

7 Years instrumental

History Instrumental

Swimming letter (September 2023)

PGL Kit List (updated June 2023)

Our timetable

Long Term Plan


  • Homework is set on Friday, and should be completed by the following Thursday. Children can come to homework club after school if they need support in completing homework.
  • It is extremely important for children to read regularly and to enjoy the books they read. We actively promote a love of reading at Griffin Park, and would like parents to do the same by ensuring your child reads and notes their progress in their reading record regularly (at least 4 times per week!)
  • Spellings are sent home to learn every Friday too. The test takes place the following Friday. Our spellings are based on a list of Statutory Spellings Years 5 and 6 in the National Curriculum that children should be able to spell by the time they finish primary school.



  • PE lessons are on Fridays. Children should wear appropriate PE uniform on these days - white t-shirt, plain black shorts / joggers, black trainers and a Griffin Park hoodie / school jumper. No coloured t-shirt please!
  • In Autumn term, we will go swimming on Tuesdays. Children need to bring a bag with their swimming things, i.e. a costume / swim shorts / trunks, a towel and a swimming cap for those children with hair past shoulder length. Children must wear their normal school uniform on swimming days.
  • Children must not wear any jewellery (earrings, watches, etc.) for P.E.



  • Key Stage 2 Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) will take place from 13th - 16th May 2024. These are mandatory public examinations that are administered by school and marked externally. They help to measure the progress of children throughout their four years in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 - 6). Reading, mathematics and grammar, punctuation and spelling are all tested, while writing is assessed by class teachers and subject to moderation by the local authority. In 'Class Links', you will find some websites that will help to support your child in preparing for these examinations.