Griffin Action Group

Griffin Action Group has been set up to show that as a school all of the children have a voice. 

We work together to make changes for our world.

Here is where you can learn about what we have been doing. 


Reducing our single use plastic

The school council asked if we could start to look at reducing our single use plastic in school. 

We have stopped having the small plastic bottles of milk delivered. We worked out that we were throwing away 525 of them every week! 

Now we have large cartons of milk delivered and we use washable beakers for our milk break. 

Meat-free Mondays

We have asked our cook, to change the menu for the New Year so that every Monday is meat free. 

We do have meat free days on Fridays, but we want to go home and ask our parents to try Meat Free Mondays too.   


We have two eco-warriors in each class who will turn off lights when we leave a room, they will also check that all computers are switched off at the end of the school day.